Sunday 12 October 2014

Sell your talent & not your CV - Get Hired

Want to get hired?

Sell your talent & not your CV

ü Select one or two skills you want to chase to get hired
ü Research on trending skills (Please don’t take more than 2 days time for this)
ü Do one small online free course on those skills (loads of free online learning places are available like Coursera, Youtube, etc)
ü Become member of GitHub to start sharing your knowledge.  Also learn further on the skill you have chosen in the same forum. And similar website also not just restricted to GitHubs.
ü Also be a member of MeetUp groups (  Register in the groups where you would benefit more on your technologies)
ü Attend the meetups regularly whether you know or not.
ü Network with similar skilled people.
ü Attend number of Hackathons (first 1 or 2 would be an experience, later it will make you expert)
ü Express your interest to get a job  -  ONLY WHEN YOU ASK then PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. 
ü Don’t chase salary in the beginning.  Chase good work.
ü Be flexible to join for less salary or no salary for the first 2 – 3 months (case to case basis, based on the assignment & company you take the call)
ü Don’t look for flashy campus, as some companies may not have offices in big campuses, even if it is home just go for it.  Give weightage only to the work you would be doing, rest all are not counted for any job change.
ü Try to design an application or two on the skill you have learned.
ü In your profile talk only on the work you have done (even if it is 1 assignment) & clearly explain the skill you have learned and what is your proficiency in that skill.
ü Get hired & do well.

As long as you have a good skill in your hand your percentage, year of pass out, communication skill doesn’t matter.  What matters is how you sell your talent & the place where you sell it.

A sample profile format:

Full Name:

Mobile Number:                                                eMail ID:

Primary Skill:
Self Rating (Scale of 1 – 4, 4 being the highest):

GitHub Gists:
Member of ______ (Names of the meetups – restrict to 5)
Number of Hackathons attended:
A 2 – 4 liner brief on your role in those hackathons:
Blogs you have written (if any):

Applications Designed / Developed (Put the numbers):
Name of the App:
Brief about the App:
Technologies Used:

Your Role in that skill:

Reference to google playstore / iTunes(where you have uploaded your app):

Your linkedin Profile Link:

Education (For documentation purpose only):